
Monday, June 10, 2013

Backlog assortment: Missouri fall finds.

Still in Sept., 2012...such bad practice.


An eggshell. I know not what kind of bird. A small one, though.

Young oysters.

young oyster cluster

A particularly luminous clump of young oyster mushrooms.

underside of oysters in hand

Oyster gills. Off-center stem, gills running down stem. Yes, I cut them off the tree—a girl’s got to eat!

leaf-footed bug on windshield

When I got back to the car this leaf-footed bug was on the windshield.

~~~Note: these images were shot in September! Seed ticks aren't out yet!~~~

Seed ticks are really small, but you can see them…SO awful, so tiny, and often so many…once I looked down and thought there was a smear of mud on my jeans, but it was a solid swath of seed ticks, much worse than pictured here (and it was actually the second nest I'd crashed into, less than ten minutes after the first one--). I got the willies and aborted that hike. Miraculously, none got on me or bit me.

What a terrible way to end a blog post.


  1. That is a terrible way to end a post! Ick!! The Hubby & Kids and I went geocaching this week (mind you, it IS June) and came back with at least 20 deer ticks each. Horrible. I'm still feeling my skin crawl!

    Other than the ticks, I love your posts! I love seeing the things you discover, and better yet is when you can identify them for us! Keep sharing!!

  2. Nice! Good to see you getting caught up, I hope to see a blog documentation of the mother-load of trumpets you are destined to find. I'm finding it hard to get another blog post going lately, all of your pics are inspiring indeed.

  3. So many more backlog posts to come...but YOU have found many wonders in your new ecosystem! Post! Post! Post!
