
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Another backlog installation of Missouri spring woodland finds

Thought I was going to get this up sooner…baby birds are a lot of work, that’s all I’m saying.

Here’s one last Mayapple. Of last year, anyway. These are all from March 2012, however embarrassing that might be (as a blogger).

another mayapple

Do note, you can click on any image to view large. See detail. Marvel.

trillium from above
Trillium from above. A rare sun-shot from me.

Below, classic wild ginger.

classic ginger flower
Asarum canadense

I read they are pollinated by ants, beetles and flies—wonder if ants and beetles just stumble in, because the flower is on the ground, or if they’re really going for the pollen? And flies supposedly take shelter there.

Exidia glandulosa black jelly
Exidia glandulosa, “black jelly.” Whoo!

I don't know why I didn't slice this open to see what it looked like inside. I do it to other fungi...

In the UK this is what is what they call "witch's butter" which is much better than calling the yellow stuff "witch's butter" like in the US (Tremella mesenterica). Of course witch's butter is black! And if ye throuw it on a pyre it wille counteract malignant magick.

Schizophyllum commune

Schizophyllum commune
, “common split gill.”
Just a nice arrangement on an upright dead tree. Usually
I take pics of the underside,
which can be very beautiful
with swirly folds. I was very honored to have this image included in the excellent book, "Mushrooms of the Midwest,"
by Kuo & Methven.

yellow jelly discs

At first yellow-jelly glance (above) I tried to jump to the conclusion this was witch’s butter, Tremella mesenterica, but it’s not. I have since learned that just because it's yellow and jelly-like doesn't mean it's witch's butter! It’s Guepiniopsis alpina (also known as Heterotextus alpinus, don’t ask me why, I can’t keep up with all the taxonomic changes of fungi). Golden jelly cone, yellow cone jelly, or any other variation of those words will get you there.

Below, the hand of a bee on a bolt on a sign at the trail head.

bee on bolt

I don’t know what kind of bee (yet).

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